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Hostel & Mess Facility

Boarding is at the very heart of what makes The Doon Public School’s approach to students' education unique. The full boarding environment encourages a firm sense of community and helps to develop friendships that will be sustained and, in turn, be sustaining in life beyond the school. Students learn to treat each other and all members of the community with kindness, sensitivity and respect. Houses are staffed by teams of adults who work generously to sustain and uphold the health and happiness of young people in their care. We work in partnership with parents, based upon agreed values which stretch the well-being, and hone the prospects, of the boys.

We have an astonishingly strong and highly developed inter-house competitive system that encompasses intellectual, sporting, cultural and other pursuits. We have created an environment of mutual respect between the teacher and the taught in which every student's health and welfare are of paramount importance. The discipline system is firm and rigorous but based on the principles of natural justice and fairness. There is zero tolerance of bullying.

The boarders eat breakfast at 8am, lunch at 1pm and dinner at 8.30pm.

The Central Dining Hall provides three main meals a day and two substantial snacks. A comprehensive and balanced menu designed in consultation with a dietician provides students and staff with a cuisine that is varied and nutritious. Students have a chance to make culinary requests via the Mess Committee which meets regularly and consists of students and staff meeting the Catering Manager.

Rules & Regulations for Boarders       Mess Meal Chart and Time Table